Wednesday, March 30, 2011


These photos were taken using a slide projector and an LED projector and the amazing artist Justin Caruso! The background photos are astronomy photos and and a fancy bed. Psychedelic....

Monday, March 28, 2011


These are the next two pictures in my series. Thanks to Nic and a deceased deer, some great portraits were made. This is also my first attempt with using my new Alienbees 800 strobe professional lights! The red light was made by using an Alienbee with a red gel and a honeycomb grid.

Monday, March 14, 2011


New photo up! All of the portraits I will be doing including this one and glitter will be apart of one whole project/theme. Isn't this one creepy? Well good! That's the way I like it.
And btw, his face is not photoshoped in. Who do you think I am?